We spent the day sweltering under the midday sun, like somnambulists, wandering through the streets of The Hague, wondering where the tourist attractions would end. We crawled from museum steps, to gallery foyer, it does not work being thrifty and a tourist, later we were invited to a canal side bar in Amsterdam. Goodbye intense heat, hello good vibes.
De Ceuvel is the Oasis we have been looking for! Finally we have deviated from the Tourist trail, with the aid of an expat and some exuberant Irishmen. Bertie has found his new home, parked on yellow lines at the ghetto end of an industrial estate. Opposite, sits a ramshackle bar and an eclectic mix of barges, boats and shipping containers, housing the transient community of Amsterdam.
Words: Hugo Pullen | Photos: Dora Damian